Shawn Mack
Shawn Mack


Performance Coach

Shawn Mack

Shawn comes to The Pitt with more than 25 years in the strength, conditioning, and performance nutrition field. Shawn competed as a high-level CrossFit athlete, nationally qualified Strongman (lightweight division), sprint triathlete, has over a dozen state and regional bodybuilding titles, and has placed top-5 at four national-level bodybuilding championships. Shawn is currently an ACE-certified personal trainer and previously owned and operated a successful CrossFit affiliate (2011-2016) holding CrossFit Level 1, Level 2, CF-Kids, Strongman, Olympic Lifting, Gymnastics, and Movement & Mobility certifications. 

Shawn recently retired from the financial service industry after 25 years and is able to spend more time with his wife and two Golden Retrievers while pursuing his encore career as a results-based massage therapist and performance coach.